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Working together

A recent LinkedIn posting referred to the need for teamwork in a business setting and that got me thinking. In the days when my company was in full operation, I hired a number of sub-contractors.

A recent LinkedIn posting referred to the need for teamwork in a business setting and that got me thinking.

In the days when my company was in full operation, I hired a number of sub-contractors. Although I was a well-respected writer and researcher, there were contracts I could never have bid on based on those strengths alone.

I sought out others with the skills I lacked. Teamwork became our mantra.

That posting got me thinking of how essential this same concept is to our behaviour as Christians. First some background: my husband and I have spent almost our entire lives in a specific denominational culture, but several years ago issues with his health changed all that.

Minor strokes left him unable to handle the enthusiastic style of music (including drums and often, a number of other instruments) common in those churches. When he was unable to attend anywhere for several months, I went looking for and found a wonderful little congregation.

The preaching was solid but even more importantly, I knew he could enjoy the old hymns and subdued instrumentation. It’s been a wonderful blessing, but it’s also taken a lot of adaptation to an entirely new and definitely more liturgical style.

Here’s how the topic of teamwork fits in here: although I could never have imagined our being part of this congregation, I soon realized that we weren’t the only ones coming from a different denominational background.

The peaceful and welcoming environment remains a testimony to the dedication each one has to walking together in harmony, to allowing each one to find his or her place and, to fitting in and promoting unity. It’s not about compromising beliefs; it’s about learning to work together.

“…fulfill my joy by being like minded, having the same love; being of one accord, of one mind.” Philippians 2:2