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Cheers and Jeers for April 19

Cheers: Cheers to the organizers of the Estevan Strippers Molson Spring Bust tournament. I’ts always a lot of fun for the players, and it’s great for the community, too. Cheers to the people who supported the Creighton Lodge fundraiser last week.


Cheers to the organizers of the Estevan Strippers Molson Spring Bust tournament. I’ts always a lot of fun for the players, and it’s great for the community, too.

Cheers to the people who supported the Creighton Lodge fundraiser last week. Everyone had a great time supporting a worthy cause.

Cheers o the local dog walkers who have eager but well trained pets. It’s fun for some of the no-dog pedestrians to be given the opportunity to pet a passing pooch,  give it a welcoming pat and a scratch behind the ears.  

Cheers to the members of the Estevan Fire Rescue Service who spent the day at a grass fire, and those who assisted the fire department with their efforts.

Cheers to those who were involved with the fundraiser for the Redvers Recreation Board, for celebrating the players from the Redvers area who have played hockey at a high level.



Jeers to the drivers who perform U-turns in the middle of the block, especially the three observed on Fourth Street, one of them being a commercial vehicle. 

Jeers to those whose engines are revving loudly during the evening. People would rather sit outside and enjoy a quiet evening than to hear an engine revving loudly.

Jeers to those who post the locations of impaired driving check stops on social media. The police are out trying to nab impaired drivers, not create an inconvenience for you.

Jeers to the increase in vandalism and mischief incidents we see at this time of year. Don’t people have better things to do on a nice evening?