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Cheers and Jeers for Aug. 3

Cheers to the organizers of the Bow Valley Jamboree for giving talented musicians and artisans a chance to showcase their abilities. Cheers to the Woodlawn Regional Park for organizing the Family Fun Day this past weekend.

Cheers to the organizers of the Bow Valley Jamboree for giving talented musicians and artisans a chance to showcase their abilities.

Cheers to the Woodlawn Regional Park for organizing the Family Fun Day this past weekend. Lots of kids had a great time.

Cheers to the Estevan Golden Eels Swim Club for the great job they did hosting the provincial summer speed swimming competition. Bonus: they won provincials for the fifth straight year.

Cheers to all of the minor baseball teams in southeast Saskatchewan for how they represented their communities this season, and for their efforts on the field.

Cheers to the Estevan Police Service for their involvement in positive policing programs to reduce impaired driving.


Jeers to the motorist driving a grey pickup truck who drove through the intersection of Fourth Street and Souris Avenue South on Tuesday, even though the light had been red for some time.

Jeers to those eastbound motorists on Sixth Street who don’t yield the right of way to those travelling on Souris Avenue South. One day, someone is going to be hurt in a collision.

Jeers to the City of Estevan for spending thousands of dollars on tree planting and failing to provide the trees with adequate water.  In the absence of rain, newly planted trees need 25 gallons of water per week in the first two years.

Jeers to the switch to automated weather forecasting. What was wrong with having it handled by people?

Jeers to those who have been speeding through school zones during the summer months. Don’t people realize the reduced speed limits are in effect even during the summer?