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Cheers and Jeers for Dec. 27

Cheers: Cheers to Nick Ginther. While the Kinsmen and Kinettes had their busiest weekend of the year with tree sales, gift wrapping and running Christmas parties, he cleaned and flooded the outdoor rink at the Kin Park in Hillside.



Cheers to Nick Ginther. While the Kinsmen and Kinettes had their busiest weekend of the year with tree sales, gift wrapping and running Christmas parties, he cleaned and flooded the outdoor rink at the Kin Park in Hillside. Nick has given Estevan a huge Christmas gift with his efforts.


Cheers to the many volunteers who have ensured that the outdoor rinks in the community will be ready for Christmas.


Cheers to the young couple driving a white truck, who paid for people’s lunch at the Flats on Dec. 18. It was very kind of them, it was much appreciated and they recipients will pay it forward.


Cheers to the young people in the schools in Estevan and other communities for delivering such lively and entertaining Christmas concerts this year.


Cheers to the Estevan Exhibition Association for the work they put in so that the fair and rodeo can be on the same weekend in 2020.


Cheers to the residents of Jubilee Place for the great job they have done in decorating the street with all of the brilliant Christmas decorations. People love coming to see it.




Jeers to drivers who obstruct the sidewalks when they park their vehicles. It’s bad enough that pedestrians have to worry about block heater chords that act as a trip hazard and snow that hasn’t been cleared. They shouldn’t have to walk around pick-up trucks.


Jeers to those who don’t do anything when their dogs are barking incessantly in the middle of the night.


Jeers to motorist who don’t realize that pedestrians have the right of way in intersections. Wait for the 10-15 seconds for the pedestrian to get out of the way, and then drive away.