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Letter: Why buy land for parking spaces?

The editor: The city fathers seem to forget the city is in debt to the tune of $28 million, depending on who you talk to, as they keep spending our money on ridiculous projects that are not really required with a debt of this size.

The editor:

The city fathers seem to forget the city is in debt to the tune of $28 million, depending on who you talk to, as they keep spending our money on ridiculous projects that are not really required with a debt of this size.

The purchasing of two lots to the west of the fire hall for $127,000, when they have a parking lot the city owns on the east side of the police station for city parking that is only half-full most of the time.

Let’s take a hard look at this situation. We have a fire hall that has bays available to house the police department if you use a little imagination. You can move anywhere between three to six sea cans in and you have a secure vault system with a few modifications. Yes, the sea cans could be stacked, that is a lot of room. One the west side of the fire truck now on the other side of the truck you can have numerous offices for the police force that is way over-staffed (in my opinion and quite a few others).

You do not have to have a new set of power, sewer, water, heat and air conditioning. It is a long way from the cost of the building they have in mind, with our debt it seems to me that they should reset the proposed decision and sharpen the pencil and just use the tip of the little finger to test the water, not the whole body.


Dale M. Wetsch
